Cr-Fe Phase Diagram

  Thermodynamic Assessments

[1993Lee] Revision of thermodynamic descriptions of the Fe-Cr and Fe-Ni liquid phases
          B.-J.Lee, CALPHAD, 17 (1993) 251-268.
          TDB File        Phase Diagram

[1987And] Thermodynamic properties of the Cr-Fe System
          J.-O.Andersson, B.Sundman, CALPHAD, 11 (1987) 83-92.
          Available in SSOL2 and BIN database.
          TDB File        Phase diagram

[1982Her] A thermodynamic analysis of the Fe-Cr system, 
          S.Hertzman, B.Sundman, CALPHAD, 6 (1982) 67-80.
          TDB File        Phase Diagram

[1980Cha] Calculated phase equilibria for the Cr-Fe-Ni-Si system-1 Ternary equiriburia,
          T.Chart, F.Putland, A.Dinsdale, CALPHAD 4(1980) 27-46.
          TDB File        Phase Diagram


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[1988And] An Experimental Study and a Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Fe-Cr-Mo System
          J.-O.Andersson, N.Lange, Metall.Trans.A, 19A (1988) 1385-1394.

[1990Fri] A Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Cr-Fe-N System
          K.Frisk, Metall.Trans.A, 21A (1990) 2477-2488.

[1973Kau] L.Kaufman, H.Nesor, Z.Metallk., 64 (1973) 249.

IRON-Binary Phase Diagrams, (Ed.)O.Kubaschewski
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1982) 31-34.

Phase Diagrams of Binary Iron Alloys, (Ed.)H.Okamoto, 
ASM International, Materials Park, OH, (1993) 102-129.

ASM Desk Handbook Phase Diagrams for Binary Alloys, (Ed.)H.Okamoto
ASM International, Materials Park, OH, (2000). 

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