Al-Fe Phase Diagram

  Thermodynamic Assessment

[1989Sei] M.Seiersten, unpublished work (1989). 
          Available in SSOL2 and BIN database.

[1993Kat] U.R.Kattner and B.P.Burton, Phase Diagrams of Binary Iron Alloys, (Ed.)H.Okamoto, 
          ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 12-28 (1993). 
          TDB File    Phase diagram

[1991Sei] M.Seiersten, COST 507, Thermochemical database for light metal alloys, vol.2
          (Ed.) I.Ansara, A.T.Dinsdale, M.H.Rand, (1998). 
          Available in COST2 database.
          TDB File    Phase diagram

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